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Benefit Rates England 2024/25
Basic State Retirement Pension
Attendance Allowance
Higher Rate
Lower Rate
Non Contributory
New State Pension
Full Rate
Carers Allowance
Pension Credit
Standard Amount
Couple Standard Amount
Single Savings Credit Threshold
Single Savings Credit Maximum
Couples Savings Credit Threshold
Couples Savings Credit Maximum
Severe Disability Premium
Capital Allowances (disregarded for Pension Credit)
Living at home
Living in a care home
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Care Component
High £108.55 Middle £72.65 Low £28.70
Mobility Component
High £75.75 Low £28.70
NHS Funded Nursing Care (please note that amounts with * are awaiting confirmation)
England (paid by NHS)
those currently on high band
Wales (paid by individual local health boards)
Scotland (paid by Scottish Executive)
Personal Care
Nursing Care
Northern Ireland
(paid by Health & Social Services Board)
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Daily Living Component
Enhanced £108.55 Standard £72.65
Mobility Component
Enhanced £75.75 Standard £28.70
Local Authority Thresholds Contribution Rate £1 per £250 (excluding Wales)
(please note that amounts with * are awaiting confirmation)
Upper Limit
Lower Limit
Personal Allowance
In Care Home
At Home
Personal Allowance
Upper Limit
Lower Limit
Personal Allowance
Northern Ireland
Upper Limit
Lower Limit
Personal Allowance
Earnings Allowance (per week)
You can get Attendance Allowance if
you have reached State Pension age.
You must be aged 16 or over and usually
have not reached State Pension age to claim
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